Salt: Less is More? — CBC Documentary: ‘Pass the Salt’!
Salt has been with humans since the dawn of time. For centuries it was as costly as gold, often called the ‘white gold’.
Then came the two studies around 50 years ago, such as ‘Intersalt’, that seemed to find a distinct and direct relation between health problems such as high blood pressure, heart failure or stroke — and the amount of salt eaten.
Suddenly, salt was bad.
But 50 years later the results are called into question. Too much was left to chance, such as the exact intake. Or the number of participants. Or parameters such as living conditions of remote peoples living on islands or in a jungle far from modern civilisation; a civilisation where the modern life style of haste and increasing speed creates problems and health issues of its own.
The recommendations — that are being checked again now — pointed towards consuming only very small amounts of salt. Stating that less was more.
This has been proven to be too restrictive. In some cases it can be dangerous, in sports especially.
Try this CBC documentary:
It summarizes the past and present of salt research.
The conclusion once more in regard to food, health and nutrition is comparatively simple:
Eat and drink the fresh, natural, unprocessed foodstuffs you like. Prepare with care. Eat with joy and in calm surroundings, whenever possible.
Move your body the way you like: running, dancing, doing Yoga, ...
Look out for the — in this human life — sometimes hard challenges in your life and find out what can be changed, to make life bearable again should sorrow and pain or ‘stressful’ conditions have become too much. Which can be difficult, but perhaps not as impossible as it may seem.
Note: In case of health issues please consult a doctor. Articles such as this one can create awareness. They cannot replace the visit to a doctor.