Hello Dylan, I assume that perhaps as personally involved person you may see this differently. I am sorry if I hurt your feelings. From a much more recent point of view I would say that the Russian politics are biased as regards the 'corridor' around it. At present, since around the 1990s.
If you look at the older history of Iran for example, not only Russia but also Great Britain and France were focused on benefiting from its natural resources. A lot of its painful more recent history is due to that. The same way Afghanistan's even more painful history is.
The politics that are involved now are the support of the EU based on NATO interests, the interest the present president of Ukraine has (his personal and private as well as political interests), and some (at least one) extremely rich and thus powerful people have. Even more importantly the US as involved due to NATO interests in general and in particular and more of such persons in Russia in the 'background' of Putin's way to power - as long as that kind of 'interest' is involved you will not reach any kind of agreement easily - or peace. To my mind, if the present Russian government or, rather people in power, really were interested in conquering Ukraine they would have done so long ago.
This war is about pressure, about power - and about the money behind it.
The Latin proverb that makes these things more clear is called "cui bono", 'who benefits'. In other more recent words: "Look where the money is." I am sure Ukraine has suffered in the course of its history, but I also think we have to look at the patterns that repeat themselves to find *solutions*. And, as stated, again: Look where the money is.