2024 Elections: Vote Democrats! — Here is why:
Barrack Obama was the first ever African-American president — and he was a Democrat. The Democratic party stands for all the values a true democracy is made of:
Equality, diversity, the civil rights and an actual sense of community: The sense of responsibility for each member no community can survive without.
Not just the US is facing grave problems, in economy, politics, and the preservation of this planet as we know it. The Republicans stand for all the values that will destroy the awareness of a community — and make this planet a waste land, for the sake of making more money and giving to those that already got heaps of it.
Do not just trust me on this — check the sources, and check the news of trustworthy newspapers (their websites these days) that have been around for decades if not centuries dedicated to the truth.
In turn vouched for by independent organizations, such as the Pulitzer prize committee in their 2018 decision for the Washington Post’s and the New York Times’ reporting:
For a distinguished example of reporting on national affairs […]:
Staffs of The New York Times and The Washington Post
No human organization is perfect, that’s apparent. As Alexander Pope put it:
“To err is human, to forgive divine.”
But mistakes can be made on purpose — and according to the wrong values.
So, check the values — vote Democrats!